OOh shoulder pads. I remember playing football with my dad and siblings when I was younger. My brothers would tackle me as if I had the same genital area that they did. Crying I would try to settle the wrong that I thought had been done to me, by running to my dad so that I could receive revenge on my brothers through the scourn that only he could give so powerfully it would make any childs eyes overflow in water. Instead, he would tell me that I was tuff and then make me repeat those same words myself. I can still remember trying to stop the snot from running down my nose and gasping for air at the same time while trying to get the words out ... sniff.."I'm"..sniff sniff.."Tu"- gasp.."Tuff." AHHH THE DAYS. Didnt think I would ever voluntarily wear anything that reminded me of those hard days of sibling football, but what do you know, shoulder pads are making me do it. Shoulder pads now have come into fashion in a way that I love. They can s

pice up any outfit and turn a casual one into a formal outfit. Check the photos!
As Always XOXO,

Picture thanks: Fashionismypassion.co.uk/