I have a million different emotions and thoughts going on in my head. All the time. At any given point in the day. As I continue to court myself and get to know who I really am, I gotta say I'm loving me some... me. I love when my intangible thoughts and feelings are spoken or written so perfectly that it makes those same unsure emotions become just as concrete and certain as the letters that they are written in. That was the case when I saw this and thought I'd share. Beautiful girls, know who you are. If you don't know now, Get To Know. Take some time to yourself. We often rush into other relationships head first without having a strong sense of who we are and are more likely to lose ourselves in that relationship because we never really had a grip on who we are to begin with. Do not change who you are for any reason except to become an even better You. I read this everyday for inspiration to stay true to who I am, despite my circumstances. Hopefully it can inspire you too.

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